I love my home state!!
Because I now live in South Dakota, my vote for pretty much everything (except the now-annual effort to enact an abortion ban – yes, it's happening again) doesn't count. When it comes to primary voting, we're last in the nation – just like we are when it comes to teacher pay!!
So I have to live vicariously through my homeland of Iowa. All along, I was not convinced that Hillary Clinton's nomination was inevitable, or that she really had a good shot of winning in Iowa. My reason for the belief was this – not a single person I knew or had ever talked to in Iowa likes her. Sure, it's anecdotal, but you'd think if she were the be all and end all of the Democratic Party, I would've personally known at least someone who likes her in Iowa.
Basically, I was hoping for anyone but Hillary. Why? I just don't see why we need to alternate Bush, Clinton, Bush, Clinton for 25 years. And I don't see why being married to the ex-president means you deserve to be president, too. We need some frickin' change in Washington!! Get over the past, people.
But, you never know how these things are going to go, so I crossed my fingers and hoped for the best as we watched the returns start to come in last night.
And, I'm proud to say, the people of Iowa came through for me. Go Obama!!!
So I have to live vicariously through my homeland of Iowa. All along, I was not convinced that Hillary Clinton's nomination was inevitable, or that she really had a good shot of winning in Iowa. My reason for the belief was this – not a single person I knew or had ever talked to in Iowa likes her. Sure, it's anecdotal, but you'd think if she were the be all and end all of the Democratic Party, I would've personally known at least someone who likes her in Iowa.
Basically, I was hoping for anyone but Hillary. Why? I just don't see why we need to alternate Bush, Clinton, Bush, Clinton for 25 years. And I don't see why being married to the ex-president means you deserve to be president, too. We need some frickin' change in Washington!! Get over the past, people.
But, you never know how these things are going to go, so I crossed my fingers and hoped for the best as we watched the returns start to come in last night.
And, I'm proud to say, the people of Iowa came through for me. Go Obama!!!
At 1:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
I'm always happy to help. Though I threw in my token props to Kucinich before stepping over to the Obama group. I was at the caucus in uber-conservative Sioux County. The chair asked how many people had been to a democratic caucus or a republican one before. About a third were new, a third had gone to a democratic caucus, and a third were disaffected ex-republicans.
At 5:57 PM,
Melissa said…
Haha, I bet there weren't too many Kucinich supporters in Sioux County (I think it's one of the reddest in the country). How many people were at the Democratic caucus? I went to the Dem caucus in Sioux County in 04, and there were probably 10 of us (that's a generous estimate) gathered in the Boyden bank basement.
At 7:16 PM,
MaggieCat said…
However, I am slightly annoyed at the Obama people. While we were in Sioux Falls they called 8 times. I kid you not. Then they left two voice messages the day of the caucus, and literally five minute before we left they called again! I said, and I quote, "You've called four times in the last two days, yes, we're caucusing, leave us the hell alone." And hung up.
I know that this is thier tactic, but it worked exactly opposite. If Richardson hadn't gone viable, I'd have gone to Edwards. I was really irritated by his obsessive people.
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