Reading religiously
OK, I've gotten lax about blogging again. But in my defense, I've taken up a new hobby this summer: reading. It's not exactly a new hobby – I used to read all the time when I was growing up, and even up through high school. Not so much during college, though, and barely anything at all the past five years because my job requires so much reading as it is.
But in June, I decided I wanted to find a book to read on vacation. So I went to Target, perused the book section and picked out "The Memory Keeper's Daughter." And by the end of my vacation, I was finished with it and decided I liked it so much I wanted to read another book.
So I hit Barnes and Noble and found "Molo'kai" by Alan Brennert, which is a historical novel about the leper colony on the Hawaiian island of (what else?) Molo'kai. Of course, that book was awesome, too, so I went back to Target and Barnes and Noble for still more books.
Now, fast-forward to September, and I've purchased and read six other books. My favorite so far? "The Double Bind" by Chris Bohjalian. It's almost like a sequel to "The Great Gatsby" and has an awesome ending. I could read it again, but I loaned it to my mom because I told her she HAD to read it.
On Wednesday, I started reading another book called "Keeping Faith," which is by Jodi Picoult. My mom gave it to me as a trade for "The Double Bind," and it's pretty good reading so far. I've had a hard time putting it down, so that means I'm almost done with it.
But then I'll be out of books to read, which means either another trip to Target (it has the same books as Barnes for much cheaper) or a library card. Oh, and I'm open to suggestions on new reading material to feed my growing obsession with good books.
At 5:10 PM,
Unknown said…
Dreamland By Kevin Baker and Carter Beats the Devil by Glen David Gold are two good historical fiction novels.
I also really liked the Time Travelers Wife by Audrey Niffenegger.
I read Snow by Orhan Pamuk in my MFA program and I loved it, but it was disliked by an equal amount of people.
Child of My Heart by Alice McDermott is beautifully written but equally disturbing at times.
My Name is Asher Lev by Chaim Potok is one of my favorite books. It's about an Hassidic Jew, and very interesting. There are several books in the series, but you will want to start with this one to have the full story for the other books.
That's what I thought of off the top of my head, but I'm sure I will think of more.
At 11:27 AM,
Unknown said…
Oops, The Chosen is actually the first book in the Asher Lev series.
At 11:50 AM,
Melissa said…
I actually own a copy of "The Chosen." I had to read it once for high school English class, and I really liked it. Thanks for all your suggestions – I'm getting ready to place a nice big order with :)
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