What the hell?

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Waiting for the hammer to fall...

If you ever visit one of my very favorite blogs, dailykos, you will notice that pretty much everyone on that Web site has worked themselves into a tizzy over the possibility that the special prosecutor in the CIA leak case, Patrick Fitzgerald, is going to be indicting some fairly high-level officials any minute now. We're talking big names -- Dick Cheney himself, the squinty-eyed little bastard known as Karl Rove, and the man who was named after a Muppet, Scooter Libby.

Strangely enough, I've paid very little attention to the whole CIA leak/Valerie Plame hoopla, primarily because I always viewed it as an exercise in futility. The media, of which I am technically a member, has also paid very little attention to this story. But that could all change fairly quickly if some big indictments are actually handed down.

For my part, I'm really trying not to get too excited about this story and its potential damaging impact on the Bush administration. The man's approval rating is already in the toilet, he can't be re-elected again (thank God) and he's not going to be impeached/resign, no matter how bad things get. And while it would be a lot of fun to watch Cheney and Rove go down in a ball of flame, I'm not counting on that to happen. I've learned from experience that if you expect people to stand up and take notice because this time the Bushies have done something so utterly incomprehensible and wrong, you're going to be sorely disappointed.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Reverting back to my high school days

After graduating from college, I always thought that I was saying goodbye to any jobs requiring a uniform, hair net, plastic name tag, or any other of the trappings of low-paying jobs that only college students and the desperately poor are willing to do. Sadly, I was wrong because I've decided that I need to get a part-time job.

It's scary, I know, and it will be hard to go back to wearing a plastic name tag and fake smile all the time. But if I'm ever going to be able to afford a new computer and a new car (because let's face it, the one I have now is currently being held together by duct tape in several places -- same with my computer), my newspaper salary just isn't going to cut it.

I'm not going to do anything too drastic though -- like sign on to work at McDonalds for $5 an hour only to come home covered in grease and smelling like a stale french fry. No, I'm shooting for something seasonal, so that once I realize that the job sucks, which will probably only take about a month at the most, at least I will only have to continue putting up with it through the Christmas holiday hoopla.

I sent my resume to Hickory Farms and Shopko -- who ever thought that my miserable experience working as a cashier at Earl May would come in handy? Now I can say I have cash register experience. That makes me a hot commodity on the crappy part-time jobs market.

Monday, October 17, 2005

On the hunt for adult tetris

Colleen's comments in my last post made me yearn for the days of playing adult tetris. So I set out on a fruitless journey to find the game and resurrect the memories of living in Crawford. Unfortunately, all I really found was a barrage of popups and pseudo-pornographic Web sites. I also found a few games that were called "adult tetris" but did not appear to be anything like the brilliant original that I remember. I found one download that looked promising, but the Web site it was on yielded a deluge of popup ads, which made me reluctant to download anything off that site.

On a side note, Mozilla is really starting to let me down. At first I thought I was clear to surf the Internet with freedom from the popup ads that were basically crippling my computer when I was using Internet Explorer. But now, I'm getting popups from Internet Explorer even though I don't have it running, and I'm also starting to get popups from Mozilla, too. Maybe I just need to stop visiting so many porn sites ... Ahhh, but seriously, maybe it's just time to get a new computer. Too bad my piddly salary barely covers my rent and student loan bills.

Friday, October 14, 2005

I've gotten lax in my blogging

It's so hard to stay current on my blog. I guess there's just not that much of interest going on in my life -- or at least, not much that I feel comfortable posting indefinitely on the World Wide Web. I engage in a lot of self-censorship because, well, I know the second that I mention anything sensitive or potentially embarassing, my boss or someone is going to stumble onto the blog and fire me for exercising my right to free speech.

There's also the fact that I have a new love in my life that keeps me too busy to blog most days. I'm talking of course about the game Text Twist, available through msn.

It's a simple game -- you have six letters and you have to rearrange them into different words as fast as possible, picking up more points for each word you create in the three-minute time frame. So simple, yet so addictive. It's why I'm sitting here playing it on a Friday night. And I'm not bored, I'm actually having a pretty good time.

Basically, my life is pretty sad and unexciting right now, but I have it a lot better than many people throughout the world -- earthquake victims in Pakistan, Katrina evacuees, the entire population of Iraq, etc. Working in the newspaper industry really helps me keep things in perspective. So I'm just going to keep on enjoying my Text Twist.