What the hell?

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Developing expensive tastes

Times have changed a lot in just a few short years. Five years ago, I was living in a barely-standing piece of crap house that wasn't even close to meeting municipal codes for an inhabitable dwelling. There were dangerous holes in the floor, bathroom doors that didn't close and a big heap of shingles with rusty nails protruding from them on the front step. All in all, a pretty shitty place to live. But at the time, I really didn't care. I thought it was great -- I just learned not to go out the front door and to avoid certain areas of the kitchen were the floor was particularly unstable.

Now, however, that I'm going to actually be earning a decent amount of money for the first time in my life, I can't imagine living in such crappy conditions. I realize that I could save up even more money if I were to move into a low-rent shithole in Sioux Falls, but the idea doesn't really appeal to me. In fact, I won't even consider a place unless it has some serious amenities -- such as a pool, hot tub, weight room, washer/dryer in the apartment, etc.

Yes, I realize that this is going to cost me a lot more than a crumbling, rat-infested dump in the ghetto (and I use that term loosely), but honestly, I don't really care anymore. Besides, once I have my hot tub, fitness center, and indoor/outdoor pool, everyone will be lining up to come and visit me.

Monday, December 19, 2005

The big move

Wow, I've been a lazy blogger lately. No posts since Nov. 22, that's pretty sad. But now I'm going to get back on track because I actually have some exciting news to report. I recently was hired by the Sioux Falls Argus Leader!! Yes, I am officially breaking out of the small town hell that I have been stuck in since graduating from college more than two years ago.

In addition to living in a larger city that is much more my style, I will also have the benefits of an $8,000/year pay raise and numerous perks such as free fitness center membership, paid overtime, and tuition reimbursement (theoretically, I could go back to school for half-price). Of course, there's also the standard health insurance (which costs about the same as my current health insurance), free long-term and short-term disability insurance, and 401K, profit sharing, etc. Altogether, a much better benefits package than what I currently receive.

The main downsides to the new job, however, will be the fact that I will no longer have Fridays and Saturdays off. My days off will likely switch to Mondays and Tuesdays, which will unfortunately put me at odds with the rest of the working world, as well as all my family and friends. Who the hell wants to go out and party on a Monday night? Apparently I will starting in about a month.

I'm also going to end up having to work holidays such as Christmas and Thanksgiving, which kind of bummed me out at first -- until they informed me that they pay triple overtime (holiday pay plus overtime pay) to anyone who has to work on the holidays. In which case I say, sign me up. Labor Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, I'll work them all ... because that's a hell of a lot of money and sometimes I can be greedy.