What the hell?

Friday, April 25, 2008


So I had today off, and I decided that since it's my only real day off until next weekend that it would be a good time to put away all those winter sweaters, boots, hats, mittens and scarves. And better yet, bring out the flip-flops, shorts, tank tops and capris. 

Yes, I was actually really excited about this because it's kind of like going shopping in your own closet. Like, "Oh, this is so cute! I forgot I had it, I should go try it on to make sure it still fits." You get all the fun of shopping without having to spend any money – what's not to like?

The only thing that could ruin this day would be ... snow. And guess what? We got 2 inches of snow today. At the same time I was trying on shorts and halter tops, I could look out my window at what appeared to be some kind of Christmas postcard – complete with softly falling snow and icicles hanging down from the roof. Kind of picturesque for December. But in case you haven't noticed, weather gods, it's frickin' April. And not just April – the end of April. Drake Relays weekend. Five days away from May Day. And if it snows in May, I swear I will lose it.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

The joy of newspapers

I've been working the night shift for going on five years now (yikes, that makes me feel a bit old), and I've gotten used to the schedule of going to bed when I'm tired, getting up whenever I feel like it and doing whatever I want until 3:30 p.m.

But my schedule has been rudely interrupted this week by a malfunctioning piece of equipment that has forced me to show up early for work every day this week (actually only since Wednesday, but it feels much longer). 

Granted, my definition of early is at odds with what most normal people would consider burdensome. Having to be to work at 11 a.m.? I used to have to be at high school by 7:50 a.m. But that was a long time ago, and being ready to work at 11 a.m. now requires a huge effort – and a well-set alarm clock. 

On the plus side, this temporary schedule change has helped me realize some benefits of working during the day. My favorites so far, in no particular order:

1. Heading home from work while the sun is still shining. It makes me feel like I still have a whole day ahead of me.

2. Happy hour specials. Enough said.

3. Better TV viewing options. Morning/afternoon television is dominated by crap like "The Price is Right," soap operas and "The View." So, even though the quality of primetime television is debatable, it's still a definite improvement over the daytime landscape.

4. Time to cook. It's not that I don't have time to cook on a normal day – I just don't have the motivation. I wake up, waste some time surfing the Internet/watching cable news channels, work out, and then it's time to get ready for work. Lunch is usually a frozen burrito or cereal and a couple spoonfuls of cottage cheese. But when you're home at 6 p.m. and you're hungry, you might as well cook something decent. Like last night, I decided to whip up some chipped beef, just because I thought it sounded good. Turns out, it was good. But I would never make it during the day – way too much effort.

Saturday, April 05, 2008

1990s flashback

This is the best news I've heard all week. The New Kids on the Block are reuniting! And they're going on tour!

OK, I'm just going to go right ahead and admit it. I had a New Kids on the Block sheet set when I was younger. That includes, of course, pillowcases with Joey MacIntyre's face on them and a bedspread with all of the Fab Five. I also had their albums, and I remember reading one of those really horrible fan books that tells you all about what they like to do in their spare time.

This "tour" seems like the perfect candidate for the South Dakota State Fair or the Corn Palace Festival. And in that case, I'll have to be there. Pathetic? Yes. But it's kind of like a bad Lifetime movie. You know that it sucks, and yet you still get a kick out of watching it.